Wanmirr (eagle hawk)

Gathering at Yeilima Information.

   Yorta Yorta Gathering 2010

We invite you all to join us at Yeilima in the Barmah Forest on March 10th thru to 14th on the Murray River.

Aunty Rochelle Patten has again said lets get together in love and connection, sharing and caring, camping ,cooking and community.  

The Sacred Fire 
will be lit on the 10th early morning and put out on the 14th.  Once lit the sacred fire represents our being together in ceremony for the four days of the gathering.  This is a wonderful time for all to share, seek support from Elders and each other, heal, learn and grow.  

Roster Notice Boards will be available for those wishing to keep fire for an hour at a time; we thank you for this honor.

This year there will be a blackboard with a rough "timetable" of when and what may be happening at the Sacred Fire.  There will usually be three "Full Circle" sessions a day at the sacred fire; begining in the morning with "Greeting the Sun" at dawn, with another session around mid morning, and another in late afternoon.  Some of the focused topics for around the fire this year include, Sitting with the Elders, Women's business, Mens business and Kiddies business.

Elder's Business:       What does Eldership mean? Sitting with the Elders, listening to stories and well-being matters. 
Women's Business:   Women to be advised at gathering by Aunty Rochelle.
Men's Business:        Men to be advised at gathering by Curt.
Kid's Business:          In addition to Children's workshops, such as face painting and games, there will also be a special time at the sacred fire for children and teenagers to share (0-18yrs).

There are no drugs or Alcohol permitted on the property and there are also other house rules set down by the Yorta Yorta Nations which must be respected and followed to ensure a smooth and happy gathering.  

Set up day is on the 9th and is camping and bringing your own food, cooking needs and water.  Good Footwear is important as it is Bindy time and they are sharp and well seasoned.

Elders:  We have and hope that many beautiful Elders from all Nations attend again this year in their loving support of us all.  If you can sponsor and Elder, this would be much appreciated and you can let us know via our  Blog.  International Elders will be attending again this year.

Donations: As you know it can cost a dollar or two for certain needs that any gathering generates, so we would be most grateful for any financial donations and food donations for elders.  Financial donation details can be found at our Sponsors & Donations page.

First Aid Kit:  We are looking for someone to nominate themselves as a first aid person in attendance and perhaps put together a first aid kit, there is $100 available to fit this out for the necessary items required, so if you would like to take this on,  please let us know in our Blog or email Aunty Rochelle at email:  [email protected]

Silent Auction: There will again be a silent auction which has proved very successful and again we ask for all to bring one item that can go on the table and be auctioned off. There will be a nomintaed person for this and this an effective way of fundraising for the gathering.

This year we will be having photo movies available for sale @10 each for the gathering in 2008 and 2009.  These CD's will help to raise much needed funds for the gathering costs.

We will be posting updates made throughout the coming month about the gathering right up until  a few days before it begins, so keep in touch with us for any late developments.

For more info see "Gathering News and Updates" page.

Aunty Rochelle is always available on 0427 508 445 and if you need any further assistance, there are Gathering Helpers listed in our Contacts page, you are most welcome to call anytime.

There will be Protocol Information listed in the Protocol section here on our website, it would be a good thing to take a look and familiarize yourself with requirements which are  born out of respect and love and help each of us throughout the gathering to understand dynamics much better.